Hi all on this thread. I agree in FREEDOM OF SPEECH, whether  I agree or not 
with what is said. What if your feedom was taken away? (THINK ABOUT IT FOLKS). 
I admit I don't think I really know something unless I see and understand what 
I am seeing, I also believe in the Lincoln way of Inclusion that we all have 
been charged with working toward. So let's see what information is out there. I 
am an Independent  thinker and voter. To me that means listening to both sides 
of an argument (hopefully without being deeply invested in myself and my 
opinions.) Remember  everything always has two sides, and without the 2 sides 
there would be nothing. I know Lincoln folk are very intelligent,  let's show 
it with acceptance. Lynne  LaSpina 

Sent from the all new AOL app for Android 
  On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 7:22 PM, Richard Panetta<richardpane...@gmail.com> 
wrote:   -- 
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