Good Evening,

I just have to speak out having just heard the latest news from Texas.  The
guns in this country have to go.  The framers of the Constitution would be
horrified if they saw what is happening in this country with gun violence.
When the Constitution was written men had muskets that take time to
reload.  Now everyone can have assault rifles and handguns.  What say you
Justices of the Supreme Court?  What say you original intent proponents?
The 2nd Amendment does not say that eveyone can have the guns available
today that are bought to kill innocent people.  No it says "A *well
regulated * militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  We
have gone so far beyond that original intent that we are all complicit at
some level for the ongoing violence here.  I say, let us protest.  Let us
march.  Let us insist that Congress, state legislatures and the Supreme
Court act - now...  We must speak out.

I pray for the 14 children, their teacher - and all the lives that will be
touched by this horrendous tragedy.

Thank you.  Sarah
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