Excuse me-hope and prayers have gotten us nowhere!
The bloodshed continues.

Of course we are distraught and pray that we can move BEYOND hope and prayers 
to action that might, just might have a chance of stopping the bloodshed.

I can balance sorrow and rage at the same time.

Sara Mattes

> On May 25, 2022, at 6:29 PM, john gregg <jgreg...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On a day of mourning instead of praising the people who saved lives like the 
> border patrol officer who killed the shooter, or security officer on the 
> grounds who also stopped more deaths and praying (we need more praying and 
> faith for good in this world) for those who lost family members, children, to 
> the selfish act of one person it has become an attack on those with whom this 
> community does not like or even heaven forbid disagree with. 
> It has also become a crisis of which people can push their agenda, that is 
> this community, not pray for the lives lost and have silence to remember that 
> any violence should never be tolerated. Nope, as Rahm Emmanuel famously was 
> quoted.....“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean 
> by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do 
> before.”
> ― Rahm Emanuel
> My thoughts go to the survivors and families who lost people they loved to 
> early and that the good people in this country can come together and help to 
> find solutions to the many issues we have in front of us regarding violence 
> and lives lost on a daily basis. This should be a case in point to bring a 
> people together to have civil conversations and not cast stones from Ivory 
> Towers.
> John Gregg
> On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 04:41:42 PM EDT, Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> GOP response?
> Arm all teachers.
> NRA?   
> Act of lone madman.
> ------
> Sara Mattes
>> On May 25, 2022, at 1:25 PM, Linda McMillan <mcmillanlin...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:mcmillanlin...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I totally agree. The Republican Senators should be ashamed. They have been 
> stonewalling gun reform legislation because they are beholden to the gun 
> lobby. Power and money is what they are about. This week, the Governor of 
> Texas (Greg Abbot), Ted Cruz, and Trump will be speaking at the National 
> Rifle Association annual conference. How do they get up in the morning and 
> face their conscience.  Will they edit their planned remarks I wonder?
>> On May 25, 2022, at 11:02 AM, dilla tingley <dillating...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:dillating...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Yes, thankyou Sarah
>> Unfortunately it will be even harder to pass gun legislation today now that 
>> the far right feels they need them to overthrow our government.  😝😖😡.  Dilla
>> On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 6:43 PM sarah cannon holden 
>> <sarahcannonhol...@gmail.com <mailto:sarahcannonhol...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Good Evening,
>> I just have to speak out having just heard the latest news from Texas.  The 
>> guns in this country have to go.  The framers of the Constitution would be 
>> horrified if they saw what is happening in this country with gun violence.  
>> When the Constitution was written men had muskets that take time to reload.  
>> Now everyone can have assault rifles and handguns.  What say you Justices of 
>> the Supreme Court?  What say you original intent proponents?  The 2nd 
>> Amendment does not say that eveyone can have the guns available today that 
>> are bought to kill innocent people.  No it says "A well regulated  militia, 
>> being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to 
>> keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  We have gone so far beyond 
>> that original intent that we are all complicit at some level for the ongoing 
>> violence here.  I say, let us protest.  Let us march.  Let us insist that 
>> Congress, state legislatures and the Supreme Court act - now...  We must 
>> speak out.
>> I pray for the 14 children, their teacher - and all the lives that will be 
>> touched by this horrendous tragedy.
>> Thank you.  Sarah
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