I agree with you Scott.  I need more details about why a large new
community center is a necessity and not a luxury at this point in time.
Elaine Hawkes
Tower Rd

Hello Lincoln,

Seth, Sarah, Karla, and others have made legitimate points highlighting
that much more homework needs to be done and we should not be approving
$350,000 for building plans for a project that has not been approved.
Aren't we putting the cart before the Donkey??

In my 23 + years in Lincoln, the most significant mistake by Lincoln
residents I have witnessed was not approving the school project on the
first vote when the state was going to pick up a large chunk of the tab.
And by a mere few votes it failed. In the end, this failure is costing all
of us many thousands of dollars over 20 years paying off the Bond. Not all
Lincolnites are Uber rich. Many have been and are leaving town due to
exorbitant tax liabilities (even amongst the uber rich).

What impact will another significant increase to our tax bill have on our

As a quality School is imperatively a vital asset to any town, I certainly
voted for the new school on both occasions even though my kids had long

While a fancy new community center would be a nice luxury, at what cost? We
have other options which need to be extensively explored first. As several
have mentioned, more research and data is needed to make rational,
well-informed decisions.

Kind Regards,

Scott Clary
11 Oak Knoll
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