From what I heard Jonathan Dwyer say last night, at this point there are NO budgets, and there are no final plans for the Community Center. The $325K is intended to hire an outside architect to work with the CCBC to review the options that were worked out from 2018, and to ALSO add/subtract features and consider learnings we’ve had over the last 3 years, and to consider new information (cost, etc…) to come up with a plan to present to the town again at the next town meeting. Ideally it would be something we could vote on to continue the process.
A “no” vote for this money prevents Lincoln from having the benefit of an (outside) expert to come up with a new plan that fits with post-COVID learnings and today’s financial reality and stops the process in its tracks. I for one will vote to support the town’s request to spend this money on assessing the 2018 plans to see if they are a fit for 2023 and beyond. I will vote again if and when asked for more funds for further studies and/or moving forward with a Community Center once we have more information gathered by these outside experts and town staff and volunteers. I am also eager to volunteer to help raise private funds to defray any tax burden the community center might incur. Regards, Rob Stringer 15 Todd Pond Sent from my iPhone -- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, send mail to Search the archives at Browse the archives at Change your subscription settings at