Thanks for the clarification.
Very clear…no need for nuance.

Could you provide contact info for the standing committee who would review 
applications for town org. use?

Many thanks,
Sara Mattes

> On Nov 17, 2022, at 8:23 AM, David Sykes <> wrote:
> The town of Lincoln continues to own the DeCordova, but no longer manages it. 
> Management of the DeCordova has been contractually assigned to the Trustees 
> of Reservations.
> In other words, some community events may continue to be held there (such as 
> the annual Top of the Town party), but the Town doesn’t have the right to 
> demand anything that would impose on TTOR’s ability to manage the property.
> So any desire by the Town or Town-based organizations to use the DeCordova 
> property for meetings and events would likely be subject to negotiation 
> between TTOR and the Town—and there’s already a standing committee for 
> that....
> David Sykes
>> On Nov 16, 2022, at 8:33 PM, Sara Mattes < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> I think that needs some nuance.
>> The Town of Lincoln ons the land.
>> The disposition of the buildings is another matter.
>> ------
>> Sara Mattes
>>> On Nov 16, 2022, at 6:08 PM, Jennifer Saffran < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> FYI: The Town of Lincoln no longer owns the DeCordova. The Trustees of the 
>>> Reservation are the owners now.
>>>> On Nov 16, 2022, at 5:57 PM, ROY HARVEY < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Appendix D (Program Schedule Matrix) and Appendix O (A day in the life of 
>>>> the Lincoln CC, excerpted below) of the 2018 report by the architects show 
>>>> the many anticipated uses of the CC spaces throughout the day.  
>>>> Utilization of these spaces reaches high levels. 
>>>> Many activities would greatly benefit from new, purpose-built spaces.  
>>>> However, some of the activities appear to be doable in existing buildings 
>>>> (especially if they don't need COAHS/PRD staff to lead or supervise). 
>>>> These include foreign language conversation, chess club, bridge, and 
>>>> others.  (I have not attended any of these so am not aware of particular 
>>>> needs.)
>>>> Sorry if this has already been asked or answered, but can some of the 
>>>> program activities use other, existing spaces, e.g., the school, Hartwell 
>>>> main building and pods, Bemis, Pierce House, Library, DeCordova, etc, and 
>>>> reduce the square footage needed in the CC? 
>>>> Also, was cost an input to (that is, a constraint on) the architect's 
>>>> process, or are estimated costs outputs of the process?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Roy Harvey
>>>> <image.png>
>>>>> On 11/16/2022 4:50 PM Allen Vander Meulen < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> I have no doubt the CCBC and Selectboard are well aware there is 
>>>>> considerable concern over the costs of the Community Center project - 
>>>>> more than enough to kill the project if costs are too high. And I know 
>>>>> they do not want to waste time designing a facility that will never be 
>>>>> built. I think we can and should trust them to be good stewards of the 
>>>>> town’s available funds.
>>>>> Also, given that this is the early stages of the project, it is far 
>>>>> better - from a project management point of view - to not 
>>>>> overly-constrain the process. We need to see what the costs of building 
>>>>> the Community Center we want / need really are, and how various options 
>>>>> will affect that cost. A similar approach was done for the school 
>>>>> project, resulting in three options (at various price points) being 
>>>>> presented to the town for a vote.
>>>>> I am certain the CCBC will pursue a similar strategy. So there is no need 
>>>>> to set a “cap” at this time; and in my opinion doing so will compromise 
>>>>> the end result in ways that no one will be happy with.
>>>>> - Allen Vander Meulen
>>>>>> On Nov 16, 2022, at 16:11, Sara Mattes < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Rob, et al.
>>>>>> We could vote for the money, with a caveat-that the next step include a 
>>>>>> cap on total costs.
>>>>>> Bob Mason has suggested a $15 million cap as that was the top end of the 
>>>>>> projected costs when we last visited numbers, and was a number that 
>>>>>> many, at the time were comfortable with.
>>>>>> Without such caveat, there is no guarantee that the design iterations 
>>>>>> will come anywhere close to that figure.
>>>>>> I suspect, like most, am bound by a budget/limit on what I can expend on 
>>>>>> construction, remodeling and/or renovations in my own home.
>>>>>> Perhaps we can do that, as a town too.
>>>>>> Your offer to lead fundraising is laudable, but we would need to raise 
>>>>>> $10 million in order to bring the price tag back to what had been seen 
>>>>>> has the upper limit.
>>>>>> Would we old off voting on a bond until that goal was reached.
>>>>>> I am not sure how this could work.
>>>>>> If we do not, we continue to challenge the budgets of many and create a 
>>>>>> climate that limits opportunities for economic diversity in our 
>>>>>> community.
>>>>>> If we are committed to diversity, as we espouse to be, we must walk our 
>>>>>> talk, have our actions match our words, and budget accordingly.
>>>>>> I look forward to hearing more from others tonight.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Sara
>>>>>> ------
>>>>>> Sara Mattes
>>>>>>> On Nov 16, 2022, at 3:50 PM, Rob < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> From what I heard Jonathan Dwyer say last night, at this point there 
>>>>>>> are NO budgets, and there are no final plans for the Community Center. 
>>>>>>> The $325K is intended to hire an outside architect to work with the 
>>>>>>> CCBC to review the options that were worked out from 2018, and to ALSO 
>>>>>>> add/subtract features and consider learnings we’ve had over the last 3 
>>>>>>> years, and to consider new information (cost, etc…) to come up with a 
>>>>>>> plan to present to the town again at the next town meeting. Ideally it 
>>>>>>> would be something we could vote on to continue the process.
>>>>>>> A “no” vote for this money prevents Lincoln from having the benefit of 
>>>>>>> an (outside) expert to come up with a new plan that fits with 
>>>>>>> post-COVID learnings and today’s financial reality and stops the 
>>>>>>> process in its tracks.
>>>>>>> I for one will vote to support the town’s request to spend this money 
>>>>>>> on assessing the 2018 plans to see if they are a fit for 2023 and 
>>>>>>> beyond. I will vote again if and when asked for more funds for further 
>>>>>>> studies and/or moving forward with a Community Center once we have more 
>>>>>>> information gathered by these outside experts and town staff and 
>>>>>>> volunteers.
>>>>>>> I am also eager to volunteer to help raise private funds to defray any 
>>>>>>> tax burden the community center might incur.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Rob Stringer
>>>>>>> 15 Todd Pond
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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