*Community Center Building Committee- November, 2022* *How can community organizations use the new school facilities?*
Community organizations cannot use the new school facilities during normal school hours (except in very specific circumstances, like elections) – 7:30 to 3:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and 7:30 to 1:00 on Wednesdays, late August to late June. At the end of each school day, some continuing educational activities have preferential use of the school facilities. These activities include Lincoln School drama, Lincoln School sports, and other after-school tutoring and counseling programs. Depending on availability, classroom and gym spaces are also used by the Lincoln After-School Music Program and the Lincoln Extended Day Program. Community organizations, such as the Lincoln Gear Ticks (LEGO Robotics), are starting to make use in the evenings of the new public spaces in the school building. More organizations will find opportunities to use the facilities in the evenings, with the important constraint that the intensity of use cannot be such that it would interfere with the normal maintenance of the school (given that there is an intensive custodial effort at the end of each school day). We have an evolving understanding of how community organizations will use the school facilities. We also understand that the new school building does not offer a solution to the facilities challenges of the Council on Aging & Human Services and of the Parks & Recreation Department, not least because the school building is unavailable for almost the entire time during which the COA&HS runs its programs.
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