Well-stated. Kristen.  Thank you.
Cindy B.

On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 12:19 PM Kristen Ferris <ferris.kris...@gmail.com>

> I am not a regular LT user and so apologies, I can’t figure out how to
> respond directly to this morning’s thread, but wanted to add to the
> discussion.
> I value the discussion and debate in the LT community, and appreciate the
> sentiments expressed around that. At the same time, I think virtual forums
> can allow us to be more hurtful and lacking in empathy than we would be in
> other in-person discussions, and I think we have to guard against that.
> Statements that are personally hurtful should not be allowed here.
> In that vein, I think calling out any Boston resident parent of our school
> community as "not a Lincoln parent" is hurtful, especially in the context
> of this person making such a generous commitment to our shared school
> community. We know our Boston resident students and families experience
> less belonging in our school and town communities, and this impacts their
> daily experiences and outcomes. These sorts of statements move us in the
> wrong direction.
> Yes, every parent brings their own perspective. And, I think we should all
> recognize that for many, many years in our decision-making, the Boston
> resident community has been under-represented. And, that this is a
> community that it is particularly important to design for, in the context
> of the data we have on belonging in our district.
> I know many of us are grappling with how to reckon with the ongoing
> structural racism and other forms of institutionalized privilege around us.
> Beginning to over-represent those that have been historically
> underrepresented seems like a great way to start.
> Kristen Ferris
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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