Hi Colleen - 

It has been thoroughly dismissed because the available space is completely 
insufficient relative to the CCBC’s aspirations. 

The CCBC believes that we need 16,000 to 20,000+ square feet of new space.  
That is the premise that underlies all of their analyses.  If you believe that 
premise, then their conclusion is correct.  Pierce House is completely 
insufficient and should be dismissed.

If you believe the premise is fundamentally flawed (ie we do not need anywhere 
near that much space, many of these programs are not feasible to offer given 
our town’s size and tax base and we need to investigate alternatives, etc), 
then all of a sudden a lot of different options open up.  

As David Cuetos and several of our other neighbors have pointed out, the 
fundamental premise is not well supported by the evidence.  Many in town have 
asked for actual historical attendance numbers and actual usage statistics and 
virtually any other data that could possibly support such a bold building 
project.  It has not been provided, and that is because it does not exist.  The 
data that is available suggests (to me at least) that these proposed solutions 
and the permutations on them are not responsive to our actual needs. 

It’s not possible to debate the merits of a solution to a problem that many 
people in town don’t agree is accurately described.  

This is not to suggest we don’t have a problem, nor is it intended to suggest 
we should do nothing.  It is intended to suggest that the CCBC’s focus may be 

One neighbors opinion….

Seth Rosen
Bedford Road

> On Sep 16, 2023, at 11:58 AM, Colleen Katsuki <coll...@shadowtracks.org> 
> wrote:
> "Improving the Pierce house has been thoroughly dismissed by the Community 
> Center Building Committee and that is a shame. .  In my opinion, the Pierce 
> House would make the ultimate Senior/Community Center."
> Can anyone tell me why Pierce House was thoroughly dismissed by the committee?
> Colleen Katsuki
> -- 
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