So...what are we going to do with all these tossed salads and
scrambled eggs?  Leadership?

On Sun, Sep 17, 2023, 8:52 AM Carol Ryan <> wrote:

> Thank you Mr Gregg for the clarification that you are indeed a Lincoln
> taxpayer.
> On a side note:
>  I personally am very much in favor of sharing facilities in our
> neighboring towns. For example The Beede Center in Concord and The Weston
> AIC are both fantastic facilities close by. I encourage people who are
> looking for community to consider a visit to either of these places. I am
> sure there are other meeting up venues around as well.
> Best, Carolyn Ryan
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 17, 2023, at 8:33 AM, john gregg <> wrote:
>     To make it clear I am currently a resident of Sudbury and still own a
> property in Lincoln that I pay taxes on!  I lived in Lincoln for @20 years
> and lived through the school fiasco where my child attended K-8 so I am
> giving my insight as to how the school debate is directly correlating to
> the Community Center discussion. Where I live now does not invalidate my
> views or thoughts on the subject which comes from a good place.
>     It is important that the Town of Lincoln make a decision in the best
> interest of all the residents of Lincoln. We had to endure years of my son
> going to a school that was way past its time and listen to a debate similar
> to this conversation, don't make the same mistake . A new school was needed
> many years ago and instead of accepting this fact it became a debate until
> finally all the parents of the kids in the school rallied to make it happen
> because the school was not safe nor functional. Not sure how this plays out
> but Pierce House or Bemis Hall do not and will not fill the needs of the
> elderly, LEAP as well as all the services of the Parks and Rec Dept and is
> not a responsible action nor is it giving back to society! A great idea
> would be to have a Town Fundraiser, an Auto Show at Peirce House with
> raffles and beautiful cars on the lawn.
>     The question for the community becomes can you build something that
> fills the needs of LEAP, Council on Aging, as well as the Parks and Rec
> Dept where it can be an investment, there are ways to make this pay for
> itself. The debate of the school was the same, why was it necessary to
> build a school that would be so costly? Well, it was an investment in the
> children of the community as well as the teachers to provide a safe,
> welcoming, and functional environment. This mean updating the buildings to
> have working electrical outlets, no leaky roofs, and more modern ways of
> utilizing space for a positive learning experience. No parent would have
> walked into Lincoln Schools in 2018 and chosen to pay taxes in Lincoln over
> say Weston or Wayland. But even then after everything was done the Brooks
> Gym still houses its original floor which was always unsafe for the kids to
> play on as it was more like an ice rink than a gym floor.
>     Here is a snippet of the School discussion to revisit, and please note
> the same underlying theme, where can the costs occur, how to cut corners to
> save money today. Also note once the problems got so severe the project
> needed to happen and it cost @$93 Million:
> Four years earlier, *the MSBA offered to pay $21 million toward a new
> school costing $49 million if residents agreed by a two-thirds majority to
> fund their share*. But the margin at a Special Town Meeting in November
> 2012 was 370-321 votes (54 percent to 45 percent), so the funding offer was
> withdrawn and the town had to begin the process all over again. The MSBA
> also declined to offer funding in 2013 and 2015. At Town Meeting in March
> 2016
> <>,
> residents overwhelmingly approved the latest application to the MSBA.
> In 2014, consultants Dore and Whittier determined that the school
> needed immediate work costing $8.4 million
> <>
>  including
> a new roof for the entire building, a new exterior wall for the Reed Gym,
> and a new boiler room and pumping equipment for the Smith
> building. However, even if residents approved funding for that work, the
> town would have to spend several million dollars more, because by state
> law, when school renovation costs exceed a certain percentage of the
> building’s assessed value, the building must also be brought up to current
> code for handicapped accessibility. For the Lincoln School, the trigger
> point in 2014 was about $6.5 million.
> Meeting only the immediate and near-term facilities needs of the school
> with no educational improvements or cafeteria would cost more than $27
> million, the consultants said, while a comprehensive project meeting all
> facilities and educational needs would cost almost $60 million.
> Best Regards,
> John Gregg
> Still Paying Taxes in Lincoln
> Reside in 01776
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 17, 2023, at 6:55 AM, Carol Ryan <> wrote:
> Dear Lincoln ,
> As a current home owner in Lincoln I would like to point out that the
> previous post has been written by a resident of Sudbury .
> It is my hope that careful consideration of how this project will impact
> the residents of Lincoln in all income brackets is at the top of the agenda.
> Carolyn Ryan
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 16, 2023, at 2:25 PM, john gregg via Lincoln <
>> wrote:
> The best gift a town or society can give is to give back. Do you think the
> people who built Pierce home or Bemis Hall or LPS so many years ago were
> concerned about the family dichotomy of 2023? Nope, that is why they build
> a capsule to explain what things were like back then so when they take tehm
> down it can explain what the times were like many years ago.
> I find it really concerning that the same people who enforced the shut
> down of a new school paid for by the State want to also now shut down a
> Community Center. New bathrooms and doorways in a building built before the
> people who lived through WWII is not the answer, and kids just need a place
> to grow, maybe a new Magic Garden Center for pre-K. Time to pay back
> Lincoln for all that land you accrued via the land you were given, I am
> sure everyone in the town agrees this land was taken from the Indians and
> the Native American respected their elders and raised their children to be
> leaders.
> But yet the voices here want money for speed bumps than to allow the
> elderly a place to be able to have some comfort and the youth have a place
> to assimilate and attract young families to the TOWN who will pay the money
> to live in a safe town and a community who can have after school programs
> and and a Parks and Rec Department to function.  I will also again speak
> highly of what the Parks and Rec Dept. provides; the pool and tennis courts
> are part of the Rec Dept,, basketball as well as many other activities. But
> yet lets refurbish Bemis Hall so the locals in Lincoln can feel good about
> themselves.
> I honestly cannot comprehend how a kitchen that "catering standards so
> could also have coffee/tea & snacks available." is caring for people, that
> is what you do for guests you do not want to stay long or how your treat
> your dog or cat.
> The Town has no options but to build a new building, with updated
> facilities mot spend millions to renovate something that is historic but
> not functional.
> Best Regards,
> John Gregg
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