Most house lots in town are zoned for by-right single-family housing. You can’t 
build just any house on these lots, however. The building is governed by side 
lot and front lot setbacks and by height, wetland and septic restrictions, 
among others. 

Similarly, the new zoning for by right multi family housing/retail will 
restrict the possibilities for buildings. The planning board is in the process 
of developing new bylaws. Right now they disagree among themselves. Their 
continuing discussions will be held in public, and also be guided by input from 
the public through public hearings. Eventually, they will propose new bylaws 
that will be voted up or down by the Town Meeting. This is the process that 
will eventually limit what developers can build on these new by-right zoned 
properties for multi-family/retail developments. In this way, the Town will 
continue to have control over what is developed.

Ruth Ann Hendrickson 
(She, her, hers)
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