Just to add to what Susan said about invasives, the Massachusetts list that
she linked to was created and is updated periodically by a panel of experts
(MA Invasive Plant Advisory Group) that uses a specific list of criteria
that a given species must meet to be placed on the list. The criteria
involve how readily that species can jump from cultivated settings into the
wild, how much of an impact it has on native species, how widespread it is,
etc. If you're really interested, the criteria can be found on page 5 of
this document:

Plant people try to limit the word "invasive" to the specific species that
are on this list. An alternative word for fast-spreading plants that are
not officially listed as invasive would be "aggressive", or as Susan and
Robin suggest, "thuggish".

Leslie Turek

On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 12:14 PM Susan Mohn <mo...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Just an FYI. There is a difference between what is generally considered
> spreading or invasive vs. what is classified as invasive by the State of
> Massachusetts.  MA does not classify Ajuga/Bugleweed as invasive, likely
> invasive, or potentially invasive.  Here is the link to those plants
> classified as invasive in MA:
> https://www.massaudubon.org/nature-wildlife/invasive-plants-in-massachusetts
> It still breaks my heart that Euonymus/Burning Bush was/is classified as
> invasive.  No other shrub in New England can compare to that shrub's
> vibrant, red, fall color, in my opinion!  :(
> Wishing all a wonderful growing season!
> Sue Mohn
> MOHN || Landscape Architecture, LLC
> mo...@comcast.net 781-820-0528
> www.mohnla.com
> [Excess digest verbiage deleted]
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