Another with all due respect - Steve and others,  hit the delete button.

Linda McMillan's initial post regarding the bear, after speaking with the
state bear biologist, had it right. But it wasn't blatantly clear unless
you really paid attention to the print which I was guilty of not doing so.
If You looked at the correspondence quickly, it appeared the state had
dropped the bear off in Lincoln. There was no specific mention as to where
the animal had been dropped off, But as I looked again, the bear traveled
35 miles. That doesn't eliminate that he could have traveled 35 miles
around Lincoln.

Respectively and with Kind Regards,

Scott Clary

Sent from a mobile device - please excuse typos and errors

On Thu, May 16, 2024, 3:53 PM Margo Fisher-Martin <> wrote:

> With all due respect, did the police inform  us about the home break ins
> in the past year? I’ve not seen anything except for an article on the big
> “bust” in which Lincoln was mentioned as one of the towns where homes were
> burglarized.
> I’ve also heard about other break-ins this year through word of mouth.
> I spoke with 3 police departments. They all advised people to lock up
> bikes or keep garaged. If nothing else, it’s a good reminder.
> When our mail was stolen this fall ( FACT) and the thief tried to cash a
> check, stole credit card information and gift cards ( FACTS), I learned
> that our mailbox was NOT the only one compromised.
> You may not hear about it, but there is theft here in our sweet little
> town. I’d appreciate it if people gave ME an alert/heads up.
> No good deed goes unpunished. I already apologized that I could not
> substantiate the stolen bike, but I truly believe it happened nearby.
> Respectfully,
> Margo
> On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 3:21 PM Steve Kropper <> wrote:
>> 60 seconds to read a post X 300 LincolnTalk readers = five hours.
>> Moving bear to Lincoln?  Bike thefts in Lincoln?
>> If it seems implausible, probably is.
>> Alarm company post on bike theft in 01773!  Really?
>> Most news has a position woven in.
>> If a rumor is material, secondary source before posting please.
>> E.G.:           “Hello, Lincoln 911”
>>                           "Bike theft crime wave?"
>>                     “No.”
>> Be smart media consumers or media will consume us.
>> [image: image.png]
>> Steve Kropper
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