Passing this along in case others want to check it out:

Immerse yourself in the real sounds of Mars’ winds, dust devils and seismic
rumbles, joined by orchestral melodies created from data collected from the
Red Planet and stunning original visuals from the Charles Hayden
Planetarium. As with every Multiverse collaboration, the show is informed
by a robust science team. *Mars Symphony* was created in collaboration with
JPL, WPI, the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian and ETH
Zurich, incorporating cutting-edge research and audio from the Perseverance
Rover and Webb Space Telescope.

Through its unique blend of live music and science, *Mars Symphony* charts
an interplanetary journey through the past, present and future of the red
planet. As we follow the development of rocketry and robotic missions of
this present moment — humanity’s dream of reaching Mars seems almost a
reality. Will our generation be the first to reach the red planet, and
could Mars be home to life beyond Earth?
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