This happens when you have what you think is a parent script, but it's really a movie script instead. In this script you will find that you have a "new" handler. Since it is really a movie level handler, you are calling it when you call new and trying to generate a new bitmap, rather than the Director "new" handler.

Go through your scripts and change the one (or ones) that are set to be movie scripts to parent scripts and everything should work fine.

(Tripped over this many times myself)


At 9:15 PM +0200 5/12/05, arjen wrote:

i'm working on a project in which a lot of castmembers are created dynamically using the new(#...) lingo.
usually this works great, but sometimes (such as NOW grrr...) the this handler doesn't create a castmember and returns a reference, but it just returns the #.... bit.
so for instance new(#text) returns "#text" instead of "member x of castlib y".

i don't see any logic in why it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't.
does anyone have a clue of what's going on here?

thanks arri

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