Valentin and I discovered that a Shockwave applet written in Dir 10.1 and containing a QuickTime video works fine when you first visit the page, but crashes IE 6 and Firefox on Windowx XP when you hit the brower's Reload button or visit some other page and then come back to this one. This seems to be happening only when QT 7 is installed.

This can be tested at

The mov files are in a subfolder on the same server wghere the dcr file is.

Is this a known issue, and does that page indeed crash other people's browsers when Reloaded?

Thanks for any tips!


At 03:32 PM 3/9/2006, Valentin wrote:
I don't have an answer, but I have checked again, and my test movie also crashes the browser when I force a reload of the page. This only happens on a system where QT 7 (and Win XP) is installed, it doesn't happen on another computer with QT 6.5 and Win98. So are there any known problems when using QT7 and shockwave?


Slava Paperno wrote:
I have a very simple Shockwave movie at that works fine when you first
vitit the page but invariably crashes the browser (FireFox and IE 6,
Windows) when it is reloaded, or when you visit some other page and then come back to this page.

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