Hi Michael,

> Now I know of the line (for IE Explorer):
> <PARAM NAME = sw1 VALUE = "something">
> and its evaluation with externalParamName/externalParamResult
> but as I don't know in advance what that VALUE = "something" is, how can I
> pass the content of a javascript variable or the result of the javascript
> function navigator.appName() to the shockwave?

You can do this by generating the OBJECT/EMBED tags dynamically by the
server or the client :

here is a little php snippet I use for using server session and database
results to send initial parameters to the shockwave movie:
  <param name=src value="yourMovie.dcr">
    <param name=swRemote value="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true'
swRestart='true' swPausePlay='true' swFastForward='true'
swContextMenu='false' ">
    <param name=swStretchStyle value=none>
    <param name=swLiveConnect value=true>
    <param name="sw1" value="<?
  //sw1 : userID
  print "$svUserID";
    <param name="sw2" value="<?
  //sw2 : enableNewStuff
  print "$svStatNewStuff";

If you use javascript document.write to generate dynamically the tags you
may achieve the same results,


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