I've worked successfully with FDF's feeding local PDF's.

Just build your PDF's as usual. I assume you know where the PDF's are relative to the 
Dir movies, so just build the path to the MotherDoc (PDF) and write it to your FDF 
file. I played it safe and built an absolute path, since I have the PDF's on a CD and 
write the FDF's to a user folder on the hard drive.

BUT I had a lot of trouble with PDF character encodings (octal) , so I had to build a 
couple of conversion routines.

You can check them out, perhaps it can save you some trouble along the way:

--Must replace RETURN, Swedish chars & () with Acrobat escape codes:
on acroEncode inString
  if NOT stringP(inString) then
    put "acroEncode wasn't passed a string"
  end if
  tmpString = inString
  sLength = tmpString.length
  outString = ""
  repeat with i = 1 to sLength
    currentChar = tmpString.char[i]
    currentCharNum = charToNum(currentChar)
    case currentCharNum of
      (charToNum(RETURN)): put "\r" after outString
      (charToNum("å")): put "\345" after outString
      (charToNum("ä")): put "\344" after outString
      (charToNum("ö")): put "\366" after outString
      (charToNum("Å")): put "\305" after outString
      (charToNum("Ä")): put "\304" after outString
      (charToNum("Ö")): put "\326" after outString
      (charToNum("(")): put "\(" after outString
      (charToNum(")")): put "\)" after outString
        put currentChar after outString
    end case
  end repeat
  return outString

--Must replace "\" with "\\" in FDF paths
on parseFDFpath inPath
  outPath = inPath
  if NOT stringP(outPath) then
    put "parseFDFpath wasn't passed a string"
  end if
  replaceChar = "\\" --Acrobat Forms Path Separator.
  sLength = the number of chars in outPath
  repeat with i = 1 to sLength
    currentChar = charToNum(char i of outPath)
    if currentChar = charToNum("\") then
      put replaceChar into char i of outPath
      sLength = the number of chars in outPath
      i = i +1
    end if
  end repeat
  return outPath

Bertil Flink
Creative Media

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Irv Kalb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If anyone has experience building PDF files with associated FDF 
> files, can you please let me know if this claim of absolute file 
> paths for the FDF file is correct?  Or is there a way to specify a 
> relative path - e.g., relative to the current program.  If there is, 
> please let me know how to do this, so I can inform my client.  I find 
> it hard to believe that Adobe could release such a product and 
> require absolute file paths.
> Thanks,
> Irv
> -- 

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