I especially like the example code in the Help System.

on prepareMovie
    the alertHook = script "Alert"
-- parent script "Alert"
on alertHook me, err, msg
    member("Output").text = err && msg
    return 1

I guess that LAST MESSAGE must be the important one.

or maybe the 'return 1' is to indicate how many errors it has stashed?  :)


At 5:48 PM -0700 4/14/02, you wrote:
>>But how would you ever find out if there were any problems?  :)
>We're going to try to keep customers away from it ^_^
>Actually, it's what the client wants. I could go either way.  On one 
>hand, error messages give tech support useful information. On the 
>other hand, customers shouldn't get error messages. The program 
>should just lock up and force them to reboot. (Actually, sometimes I 
>put code in to do that on purpose on the Mac, just to goad Warren, 
>Zav, and Howdy ;-)
>Kerry Thompson
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