We ran into this problem too on our last project.  Rather than spending a 
lot of time on a workaround we just used Buddy API instead.  Might give that 
a go you get 2 functions free.



>From: atejerina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: <lingo-l> MUI Xtra and MacOs
>Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 17:56:11 +0100
>Hi all!
>We're having serious problems with Mui Xtra in MacOs with Directos 8.5.
>We want to open a dialog with a text and two buttons, Ok and Cancel.
>Well, this is very simple. For this example we used the example
>script at Lingo in a Nutshell by Bruce A. Epstein
>(http://www.zeusprod.com). The movie script seems like:
>on testAlert
>   -- Check the answer against the possible user choices
>   set answer =  testMUIalert()
>   put "User chose button" && answer
>   case (answer) of:
>     1: -- do "YES" option
>     2: -- do "NO" option
>   end case
>   return answer
>end testAlert
>on testMUIalert
>   -- Create an instance of the MUI Xtra
>   MUIobject = new (xtra "MUI")
>   -- The MUI Alert doesn't beep, so let's do so manually.
>   beep
>   -- Define the attributes of the dialog in a property list
>   alertPropertiesList = \
>[#buttons:  #YesNo, \
>#default:  1, \
>#title:    "Quit", \
>#message:  "Are you sure you want to quit?", \
>#movable:  TRUE, \
>#icon:     #caution]
>   -- Post the dialog and wait for a user response
>   answer = Alert(MUIobject, alertPropertiesList)
>   -- Dispose of the MUI Object
>   MUIobject = 0
>   return answer
>end testMUIalert
>We Call the handler from a on StartMovie handler.
>When the user clicks on the Yes button or on the No button we got an error:
>Director Player Error
>Handler not defined
>return answer
>ScriptError. Continue
>We don't understand nothing at all. What are we doing wrong?
>It only happens in runMode (MacOs 8.6 and 9.0), and the xtra is well
>placed at the xtras folder.
>Please Help! We need to solve this problem
>Thanks in advance!!
>Adolfo Tejerina
>Departamento de Consultoría y Desarrollo Multimedia
>SERIKAT Consultoría e Informática S.A.
>C/ Elcano 9, 3º (48008 Bilbao)
>Tel.: 94.479.20.30
>Fax: 94.479.20.31
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