Rob Romanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The code says to make a call use
> call (#handlerName, sprites(#theName))
> since sprites handler returns a list of sprites in the form of [(sprite
> 1), (sprite 2), etc] then in the behaviours attached to the sprites the
> me in the handler is a reference to the sprite and not the actual
> behaviour instance. As a result any code that uses the me. syntax will
> end up not referencing the instance of the behaviour but rather the
> sprite.

Hi Rob,

Many thanks for picking up on this.  In the situation you describe, you can
use a more sophisticated call:

  tSpriteList = Sprites(#spriteName)
  tCount = tSpriteList.count
  repeat with i = 1 to tCount
    tBehaviors = tSpriteList[i].scriptInstanceList
    call(#handlerName, tBehaviors)
  end repeat

An alternative would be to add a method to the Sprite Names behavior:

on CallSprite(aSpriteName, aHandler, aParameter) ---------------------
  -- INPUT: <aSpriteName> should be a string or (preferably) a
  --         symbol
  --        <aHandler> should be a symbol handler name
  --        <aParameter> can be any Lingo value, including VOID.  To
  --         make a call requiring multiple parameters, you can use a
  --         list or property list.
  -- ACTION: activates the handler <aHandler> in the behaviors in the
  --         scriptInstanceList of each of the sprites in the list of
  --         sprites named <aSpriteName>.  The value of "me" passed
  --         to each behavior instance will be a pointer to the
  --         instance itself, not a pointer to the sprite the behavior
  --         is attached to.
  if not symbolP(aHandler) then
  end if
  case ilk(aSpriteName) of
    #string, #symbol:
      tSpriteList = script("Sprite Names").namedSpriteList
      tNameSakes  = tSpriteList[aSpriteName]
      tCount = tNameSakes.count
      repeat with i = 1 to tCount
        tBehaviors = tNameSakes[i].scriptInstanceList
        call(aHandler, tBehaviors, aParameter)
      end repeat
  end case
end CallSprite



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