Hi list...

If anyone out there uses Buddy API, could you please let me know where I may
find a chart to decipher the numeric error messages that its commands can

My script:
If gToggle = TRUE then
 OK = baSetDisplayEx(((the stage).rect.width), ((the stage).rect.height),
16, 70, "temp",FALSE)
-- parameters are: width, height, depth, refresh, mode, force
-- toggles screen res from what it started as, to full screen, where stage
fits the whole screen
end if

-- OK returns -2 after I switch this boolean for the third time (i.e., TRUE,
FALSE, TRUE).  Then, I can't switch the screen resolution anymore.  I
thought it might be the "temp" parameter for mode, but that doesn't seem to
matter, if I set it to "perm."

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