No Xtra for this sort of thing, to our knowledge. Sounds more like you want to buy a DVD writer that has its own automated backup software so you can have it back up the kiosk.

Of course, the only thing you REALLY need to back up is any new data that changes. The kiosk software itself, and images, if they never change, could be permanently backed on CD-ROM or DVD (from a burner on your desktop). The only thing a kiosk station should have to back up is any data it collected. To back up everything would be redundant. Of course, if it collects images, then yes, you might need a dvd.

Also, someone will have to go out and collect the dvds from the kiosk.

If they just want you to back up your work onto dvd, then just buy a dvd burner that has the appropriate software. Make sure you even NEED a DVD (a regular CD-ROM will hold about 660 meg of data).

- Tab

At 06:58 PM 10/21/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have been authoring a digital kiosk in Director 8 MacIntosh version and my
client wants me to back it up on DVD (the kiosk contains over 400 digital
videos in Quicktime).

I do not have the slightest idea on how to do this. Is there an xtra needed
for Director? Software? Best DVD burner? Any help would be greatly
appreciated as I have spent hours looking for info on the web and haven't
found much of anything.

Christine Satory
OtterDen Design
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