This may be a rant
It certainly was, but it sounded pretty accurate to me. If you want to do any interaction with the users computer Director is light-years beyond Flash.

I believe it was during the release of the Flash 5 player beta that some external file and application commands were discovered. Of course it only took a few days for a virus to be written and Macromedia began backpedaling. Now you can only access external non swf, jpg, and txt files if they live in a certain folder in the same directory as the flash movie itself. This is primarily used for the PowerPoint Viewer and other similiar applications.

However, if I'm doing a presentation that's all animation and coolness with no serious interactivity, it's Flash all the way. The ability to nest movie clips and folders in the library makes a project so much easier to keep track of. Plus the existence of respectable drawing tools within the application speeds up development (IMHO).

I use Director for all my serious jobs, I really enjoy using Flash whenever I think I can get away with it. And actually I'm looking forward to getting more familiar with Flash MX and Director MX integration. Just the ability to do video cross-platform without plug-ins has my mouth watering, but that should be just the tip of the iceberg.



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