Mike wrote:
> Hi list...
> I know I may be opening a can of worms here, but why is it that the long
> date in the following code works in authoring mode but not in projector
> mode?
> on beginSprite(me)
>   pSp = sprite(me.spriteNum)
>   r = (the long date).item[3]
>   rr = "(c)" & r && "Factory Mutual Insurance Company.  All rights
> reserved."
>   pSp.member.text = rr
> end
> In #author, it's 2003.
> In #projector, it's nothing.
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
> Regards,
> Michael M.

Hmm doesn't work in mine!
I suspect you may have picked up SPACE as the itemdelimter somewhere but
even then it's item[4]

But this will do what you need:
OLDitemdelimiter=the itemdelimiter
the itemdelimiter="/"
put (the short date).item[3]
the itemdelimiter=OLDitemdelimiter


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