Michael wote:
> Thanks for responding.
> As half of what I'm doing is going to be distributed to Europe, and they
> format the date differently from the US (my system), will temporarily
> changing the itemDelimiter do anything to screw up
> either-side-of-the-Atlantic systems regarding date?

Hi Michael and your welcome, nice to be the one offering advice for a change
Couldn't say about Euro time formats ( I'm in Oz which follows the
US/English )
Looping through the date for a 4 char item should work as the short date is
always formatted the same way AFAIK - could be wrong though.
An alternative may be to use the date object or buddyapi baSystemTime(%Y)
will always give you what you need but I don't know if it's cross platform
or not.
BuddyApi-> www.mods.com.au

Hope some of this helps


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