At 2:21 PM +0530 1/30/03, you wrote:
Has anyone ever had problems with forgetting windows and the sound
stopping? I have a single frame movie, with an internal sound member placed
in channel 1 in the score. The sound is set to looping. But if I forget a
MIAW, then the sound stops playing.

Here's my code from the message window -

-- Welcome to Director --
x = window("dummy")
x.modal = TRUE
x.Forget()   <-- Poof! Sound stops.


Pranav Negandhi
Software Engineering
Learnet India Limited, Mumbai.
Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 316

1. this only happens for sounds in channels 3-8 - sounds playing in channels 1 & 2 are allowed to continue.

2. not fixed recently (as far as I know).
There are many workarounds & this issue doesn't effect that many folks.
I'd rather see (a) MIAWs to not have to SHARE their sounds channels with the stage movie & other MIAWs and (b) the overall number of sound channels increased.

3. some workarounds

- quick & dirty:
use channels 1 or 2 (unfortunately, these already might be in use for other sounds)

- more fancy/useful/flexible (great for small loops):
copy the sound member from the MIAW to the stage movie & then tell the stage movie to play/loop it using any channel. This has the advantage of the stage actually knowing that it's playing a sound in that channel (sound().isBusy() becomes true). It can them fade it out after some time has passed, etc.


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