i would first play with those to see what happens, just to test the handler, but without using the flash sprite
global cd
set isNotplaying =Stopped(cd) //return true when CD is stopped
set isPlaying =Playing(cd) //return true when CD is playing

if(isPlaying) then stop(cd)....etc
if everything's going wel, i would then look at the sprite flash handler...


On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 08:23 PM, Fletcher Moore wrote:

Ok, I'm using CDPro in a Shockwave movie. On my production machine (Mac,
OS9.2.2), whenever I play a CD, the whole system becomes very unresponsive
(I don't know if it happens on other machines yet). I have a stop button,
for example, which, when pressed, takes almost 10 seconds to respond.

I know it doesn't have to be this way, because my client has Shockwave
movies that use CDPro and work fine. Unfortunately they don't have the
source files.

This will be packaged as a projector for those users that want it that way,
but the projector will have to be installed -- this is not an enhanced CD
issue, and doesn't involve the CD head trying to read two places at once.

The function calls are simple: the stop button, for example, sets a Flash
sprite to a particular frame, then calls Stop(cd). Nothing fancy. The Flash
sprite has a short function, but again, nothing fancy. It works fine without
the CD function.

Any thoughts? If I can't get it to work properly, I'm in hot water -- the
project requires fairly close synchronization with the CD.


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