We've only had one report of this from someone else (or maybe it was you?); what we have found was that Apple released a series of CD drivers particularly with OS/9 G4's that were problematic. The worst offenders were versions 1.34 and 1.35 - requests to play tracks might be ignored, or might play but with no audio. Upgrading to Apple CD driver 1.38 or higher resolved the problem.

Shortly afterwards, OS/X started getting introduced. It's entirely possible that later drivers from Apple resolved most of their earlier issues but had some sort of stopping problem. CD Pro hadn't changed much since it was introduced for Director 5, I think. Certainly the code has been stable for the last few years, so any new problems are backward incompatibilities on the Apple side. During the OS/X rewrite we can probably shift to a different playback technique, as we probably don't have to support older Macs any more, and maybe that will resolve the problem, as I suspect Apple is having trouble doing backward compatibility itself.

At any rate, see what version of the CD driver you have, and see if you can get a much newer one (or, possibly, a much older one). It'd be interesting to know if that resolves your problem.

- Tab

At 03:42 PM 3/9/03, Fletcher Moore wrote:
I stripped all that out to get at the core of the problem I'm facing. I know
the CD is playing on my system (I can hear it...). To take an even simpler
look, in the Director message window, if I issue:

global cd

And then wait until I hear the CD playing and (attempt to) issue:


Well, it takes sometimes 25 or 30 seconds before the cursor will even budge
to allow me to type "stop(cd)." The CD plays the whole time, but the system
will not respond to any input. So far this appears to be unique to Mac OS9.


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