I was most surely using the older xtra - i tried using dir 8.0 and dir 8.5, but don't have documented xtra versions. If there's a new xtra out, I'd most definitely use that. since there wasn't a good way to determine failure/stuttering at run time, i didn't try leaving the sprite and coming back. what i did do was break the flash movie up in more pieces (so individual file size was lower - thus lower memory stress) and that helped alleviate the problem. but yes, you're right, once it started stuttering, it never recovered. is your flash sprite all that large? i think mine were around 5MB base size, probably around 20-30MB in memory (while they were playing). I guess I didn't mention before, but I could also get the stuttering w/ a Dell Web PC - like low of the low line - 32MB memory, 400 mhz celeron, crap video card, crap sound card. but again, it was never like - "Ohhh- there's the problem!" I would have to watch the thing over and over and over and over and...well you get the idea.


Mathew Ray wrote:

Wow, thanks for the info Evan,

Thankfully this project is not yet in the client's hands, but it will be
shortly... Gotta love the thing about Palm as well...geez. One other
question, if you were to leave the flash sprite that was having the problem
and to to a frame and return to a different flash sprite, did you still
experience the problem?  That is one of the weirdest things that I have
noticed is that it seems like once it happens, flash from that point forward
is screwed up. You mentioned you were using flash 5, but were you using the
newer flash xtra or the one from dir 8.5.1?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Evan Adelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> Flash xtra breaking?


I've had the same problem, and, perhaps like you, didn't know there was
a problem until the project was in the client's hands (and we did a
*lot* of qc). I found that there was definitely some kooky kooky
problems with largish flash movies and the flash 5 player.  i tried
hundreds of variations of bug fixing and i got the issue down to a
manageable level (but never fixed quite right). hotsync for palms
running at the same time as my movie exacerbated the problem (i know
this sounds crazy, but trust me, i verified on a couple different
platforms - and don't ask me how long it took to figure it out ). also,
ibm thinkpads (again, don't ask me why, but this one i think was related
to their soundcards) experienced the problems more. and windows ME flash
handling is a joke. I found that I could *occasionally* (and i can't
emphasize that enough) could get the problem to occur on my win2k
machine by stressing memory levels ( i would open up every large psd i
could find, have a large flash movie open in authoring mode, play music
through winamp, any taxing thing i could think of). i would watch the
memory climb as the flash movie streamed, then if it hit a particularly
cpu taxing moment in the flash animation, everything would start
stuttering like a drunken me at Lucky Chengs.


anyway, look for high memory usage, cpu overload, sound compression
issues, and the like.


Mathew Ray wrote:

Hi all,

Having a bit of a flash crisis here... for some reason on SOME machines,
flash elements of my project will play fine and then with no discernable
cause, they will start this studdering type thing where the sound seems


be stopping and restarting several times a second. the visuals
continue(albeit slowly) and the sound continues, but with a very annoying
tat-tat-tat. Once this happens, it happens for ALL flash sprites in a


even if going to a frame where the flash does not exist and then going to


different movie.

The flash movies are all time-based motion and have a streaming sound in
their base timeline. I make sure to wait until the entire flash is


before playing and set a flag so that flash will not be played again. I


tested to see what would happen if mysprite.play() was being called on


enterframe, and the result is not the same as the behavior we are seeing


some machines. I am also using global flash objects in the movie to set


volume, but I am not messing around with playback at all.

I would love to get this to happen on my development machine, but it


like none of my testing machines on any os or my dev machine can recreate
the problem. I am running dirMX on winXP pro, problem in my office all


XP, but specs vary widely.

What concerns me is that the problem can start occuring at any point


if user has already seen flash in the movie before) and will not go away
until the whole projector is restarted :0o

Any possible suggestions?



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

m u t a n t m e d i a > solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway NY NY 10012 [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | www.mutantmedia.com <http://www.mutantmedia.com>

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

m u t a n t m e d i a > solutions for success

Evan Adelman | 917.916.7378 | 598 Broadway NY NY 10012 [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | www.mutantmedia.com <http://www.mutantmedia.com>

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