
Is this Windows or Mac OS? Have you checked the user's permissions? Windows won't allow a Restricted User to install fonts.


At 03:06 PM 7/2/03 +0200, you wrote:
Hi all.

I am using the buddy xtra to install a font on the user's
machine by copying the font from the CD into the PCs fonts
folder (win).  On some machines this seems to do the trick,
and the font is immediately available for use by the
projector.  On a few other test machines, it is not.

Is there something else I need to do to make the computer
recognize the font?  I don't want to use an embedded font,
because the embedded font doesn't seem to display correctly
(whereas installing it on the machine makes it work fine).

I have searched the archives, but can't seem to find anything
on this topic.  Appreciate any help out there.


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