> Hey all,
> Sent out a gold master a month and a half ago, and now the 
> client is calling with an error that's happening after 
> duplication. The master I sent works on all of their PCs (14 
> or so). The duplicated disks do not. The error happens on 
> launching the projector, and is "The application can not 
> start as it cannot create needed files. There may not be 
> enough free disk space."
> Anyone gotten that before? Again, PC only, and I believe just 
> 2000 and XP (though I'm not positive on that). Xtras are in 
> an xtras folders on the CD, so there shouldn't be an 
> "unpacking" problem with them. And, as I said, it only 
> happens on the client's machines after duplication - but, the 
> duplicator says he gets the error on some machines with the 
> master. Still, the fact that it does not happen at all at the 
> client's, then happens consistently after reproduction, 
> points to the duplication.

Have you checked a copy of the replicated disc against the gold master?
I'd check all file sizes and dates to make sure they are the same.

I'm assuming you have an installer that writes the app to the hard
drive. I'd run an install from both the gold master and a replicated
copy to see if there are any differences in the install.

Sounds like a two-Caffrey task.


Kerry Thompson

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