Probably, but do you want to save it and retrieve it later, or save it in bitmap form (for another app to read)?

If you want to retrieve it later, I guess you could use imaging lingo to go through it pixel by pixel and convert to hex and use fileio to write it out to a text file, then rebuild it later. This would perhaps be slow, but should be doable.

If you want it in a form like JPEG or BMP, then you'd probably need an Xtra to format it properly and slap on the headers. I don't think there's an appropriate one that ships with Director, but I could be wrong about that.

- Tab

At 06:00 PM 8/14/03, Kerry Thompson wrote:
It looks like I'll have to do without the New York contingent on this

Ok, I've the image of the video. I know this has been covered before,
but do I need an Xtra to save a bitmap to the hard drive? This is a
projector, not a Shockwave.


Kerry Thompson

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