There is another way?!
I've dug this up from my box of goodies. Straight cut/paste from somewhere!

Originally posted by jeepee:
ok this is what I found and indeed it is easy!! 

well here's the trick....for all you who can use this also....


This is an easy, yet powerful one:

Have you ever wondered how the JavaConvert Xtra could be used in your own Director 
movies? How about exporting JPEGs for free – no need for an Xtra besides the 
Macromedian ones...

Be sure you have these Xtras installed / in the Xtras folder near your projector:

JavaConvert, Mix Services, BMP Import Export, JPEG Export

I tested one-by-one, so even if it's not obvious what BMP Import Export is doing, it's 
necessary (all tests on MacOS, BTW). Also, don't include your movie in a projector, 
leave it external, and name it "as usual" aName.dir or aName.dcr also on the Mac.

And put this script into your movie:

on convertToJPEG mymember,myfilepath, myquality
myinst = new(xtra "JavaConvert")
set the itemdelimiter = "."
myinst.ExportMedia(item 1 of the movie, mymember, ¬
myfilepath, 1, myquality, mymember.castlibnum)
-- put the result -- will be <VOID>
myinst = 0

and call it like this: converttojpeg(member "hans", "aDisk:aFolder:aFile.jpg", 75)

That's it! JPEG Export on your own... Large castmembers may take a moment or two to 

BTW: most likely these Xtras are not Shockwave-safe.


> On Thursday, Aug 14, 2003, at 18:12 America/Chicago, David Benman wrote:
> > Not so fast. The DirectImage Xtra is a good xtra solution, but for a 
> > free xtra solution you can use the Sharp Image xtra available at:
> >
> >
> >
> > I've used both recently, and they performed well.
> There's also an article on DOUG describing how to save .BMP formatted 
> images using FileIO. It's slow, but it works.

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