
I don't know why I just thought of this, but are your SWFs compressed? I
know there is some documented weirdness with flash preloading compressed
swf files - the bytesTotal is that of the uncompressed file, not of how
big it is on disc. I noticed the issue happens usually some time during
preloading and will continue to happen for every flash asset that uses
sound. I wonder if it is tripping up the xtra enough to screw up the
sound code, specifically the part that handles the streaming. Maybe
worth testing to see if uncompressed swfs have the same issue.

My opinion is that anything that would break the flash player that bad
is definitely a bug, and should be theoretically impossible for a coder
to do, but as the old Director addage goes "If you can work around the
problem..." :0)

The big problem is that you can never be TOTALLY sure its fixed, because
it is so hard to reproduce. That's why I just had to ditch the concept
completely, cause I had to be sure. Let me know though if that seems to
help. I would test it with the project we found the issue on, but there
were 150 or so swfs I would need to export to have a true test :0( We
also haven't been able to put together a SIMPLE test case that clearly
shows the problem for Macromedia. It only seems to show itself on the
biggest most complicated things. By chance are your swfs running a lot
of code?

Also, our problem was most easily reproduced by putting the project on
disc and running from an older. slower dvd drive, and occurred randomly
from a few minutes into the project to over 10 minutes into the project.
If this problem could be fixed, maybe I could reaffirm my faith in the
flashMX xtra...


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mathew Ray
> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 1:26 PM
> Subject: RE: <lingo-l> Flash in Director - sound problem
> Hi James,
> No solutions here... We tried many different things and eventually had
> to rely on Director playing ALL audio. Same situation here as 
> well, hard
> to repro. More often on a slow cd or older dvd drive, which makes me
> think it has something to do with preloading or streaming the 
> audio into
> the flash xtra. Tried preloading in Dir and Flash with no success. Can
> you submit to the list the things you noticed that seem to make the
> issue worse, and I will add to it. Hopefully this way we can start to
> get to the root of the problem, cause right now audio in flash is just
> too risky for us.
> Thanks,
> ~Mathew
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> > James Tarling
> > Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 12:55 PM
> > Subject: <lingo-l> Flash in Director - sound problem
> > 
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > We are experiencing intermittent problems with sound in Flash 
> > files hosted
> > in Director.
> > It's very difficult to reproduce, but it seems to happen when 
> > we are doing a
> > loadMovie request within Flash. What happens is that the 
> > Flash sound begins
> > to stutter, and subsequent sounds and Flash video will not 
> > play, in any
> > Flash sprite. The Director app needs to be restarted before 
> > any sound or
> > video can be played. I've only managed to reproduce this 
> > error when running
> > off a CD, and only, say, 1 out of 10 attempts at the most, 
> > and only on some
> > hardware.
> > We have managed to reduce the problem by (a) increasing the 
> > bufferSize of
> > the Flash members and (b) avoiding Flash sounds attached from 
> > the library
> > (and asking Director to puppetsound cast members instead), 
> > but the problem
> > is still occurring and it's very user-unfriendly when it does.
> > 
> > This is a problem that has been discussed (but not solved) on 
> > the this list
> > and the macromedia newsgroups
> > 
> http://mail4.fcgnetworks.net/archives/lingo-l/2003-April/010032.html
> http://mail4.fcgnetworks.net/archives/lingo-l/2003-April/010098.html
> http://groups.google.co.uk/groups?selm=bckk9f%24hrd%241%40foru

and I was really just posting in the hope that someone had come up with
solution. The main problem for me at the moment is that I can't really
the process of troubleshooting until I can reproduce the error.

Thanks in advance for any insight.


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