Dear Director Folk,

On Monday I finally got around to looking into PDF export.
I am now posting a PDF export parent script that exports
vectorShapes and text to PDF.


-outputs a PDF 1.1 file if transparency is not used, a PDF
1.4 file transparency is used

-horizontal justification of text
-vertical justification of text
-bounding and justifying text acording to a width and a
height parameter
-fonts limited to Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Times-Roman,
Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, Courier,
Courier-Bold, and Symbol (I haven't tested Symbol)

-transparency (results in a PDF 1.4 file)

-stroke width
-stroke color
-fill color

-built in circles, half circles, quarter circles, stars,
half stars, rectangles, lines

-exports vector shape vertexList to Bezier curves with holes

(with an offset method to position the vector shape)

-a few other features

It could use more documentation, but I'm in the middle of a
project and just threw this example together so it would
be available to anyone who wants it:

Shockwave version (can't export) displayed at

Load directly into Director via the message window:
go movie

--save-as both the external cast and the .dir before
exporting the PDF

The stage to PDF export example is available from
menu->vector shapes->PDF export.  Clicking the "click to
export" text places screen.pdf in the moviePath folder.

I hope people find this useful.  If you make any
improvements, please let me know.  The PDF version 1.5
reference is downloadable from the Adobe site:



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