
> I've already posted this on another forum. I've noticed that each time
> you import an image (for example a jpeg of 300KB and 24bits) Director
> stores it in the cast as a bitmap of 32 bits (OK, you can choose the
> 24bits option in the importing window, but it is a bitmap!!) that
> becomes about 7.3 MB!!!
> Each image I import, it always becomes about 20 times bigger. Besides
> that, I import the images dynamically, so I cannot select the colour
> bits of image...:
> newImage = new(#bitmap, castLib "temp")
> newImage.filename = gPathActual&gListaFotos[i]  -- it is the correct
> path
> Really don't know how to solve this... Any idea???

I don't believe there is anything to solve here, just an explanation of what you are 
seeing. :) When you're looking at the size of your jpg file (300Kb) you're looking at 
the disk size of the data (thus you're seeing the size of the data when compressed). 
When you're looking at a cast member's size inside of Director (7.3Mb) you're seeing 
the memory size of the data (thus you're seeing the size of the image data when 
decompressed into memory). Check the actual *.cst/*.dir file size change after 
performing the image import (make sure to save and compact to be sure), I doubt your 
file size ballooned by 7.3Mb (did it?).

Tom Higgins
Product Specialist - Director Team


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