On 12/2/03 3:37 PM, "Charlie Fiskeaux II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed

> Try just referencing the texBox itself:
> _root.textBox.text

The problem is director sees named objects as movieclips, so it ceases to be
a textbox with a 'text' property, and instead becomes a generic movieclip
with a (now assigned by me) prop of 'text'.

Here's more indepth info from another post to a different list:

Well, here's the fullblown of what I'm doing.

In flash:

_global.fModule = new Object();

fModule.movieTime = mov_timer;

Where 'mov_timer' is a dynamic text sprite with the NAMED mov_timer (I've
also experimented with the variable of the text member, but this way first).

Now in director, as the sprite behavior

 pModule = sprite(x).getVariable("fModule", false)

So now pModule is a direct hook to that flash sprite's fModule...and it
works in another instance (more on this later).

So if put sprite(x).pModule I get back "[object Object]" which is
correct...but then pModule.movietime  is seen as "[type Movieclip]", so
doing pModule.movietime.text = "whatever" doesn't change the text, but
assigns a property 'text' to the movieclip 'movietime' which is owned by
pModule (fModule).

This, in essence, should work, but it's more the convoluted way MM has made
director seeing flash.

I've made this function properly with another flash sprite, but in order to
actually set a text member (or listbox) I actually had to (in flash)

 fModule.setText = function(theText){textBox.text = theText;}

Which I suppose is fine, but I'm an idiot that wants to understand why MM is

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