On Dec 9, 2003, at 1:45 PM, Slava Paperno wrote:

Thanks for responding, Warren. A bulleted list, of course, involves more than just typing the bullet character. It's a paragraph format. When you set up a bulleted list through the HTML of member, as I showed, you can continue pressing Enter at the end of an item, and the next line is automatically bulletted and indented.

Actually no. The autoformatting you refer to is editor specific for HTML as far as entry is concerned. That is, if you're making a bulleted list in FrontPage or Netscape's editor or whatever, the editor itself is providing you with the extra graf and bullet widgets.

That is, if you want to make a bulleted list in something like BBEdit, you have to enter the HTML items yourself to make it happen.

I was only talking about editing text in authoring--I'm writing a long Help text where I need bulleted lists.

Well, the simplest means for doing that might be to just enter your bulleted list in an HTML editor and then import the finished file into a blank #text member in your cast.

You can also select blocks of text in a #text member (in the actual media editor window) and set your hanging indents so your paragraph blocks line up with the bullets, if you'd prefer doing it that way.

Warren Ockrassa | President, nightwares LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] nightwares LLC | Consulting Programming http://www.nightwares.com/ Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide Chapter samples | http://www.nightwares.com/director_beginners_guide/

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