Thanks to Colin, Warren and Troy. I've checked the things you all mentioned. I think imageCompression & imageQuality only apply to saving movie as Shockwave, but I understand those comments, too. My problem happens in authoring as well as in standard projector.

I've reduced the problem to one image on the stage linked to an external file. All images look great in my graphics editor. I click a button in authoring, and the image is linked to an external file. I have two dir file. The scripts in the two dir files are identical. The sprites are identical, too. One dir file works fine, but in the other, the image's colors look like it has VGA palette applied to it. My paletteMapping is false.

I do switch image types, and maybe that's a no-no? But it works great in one of my dir files:

member("pic").filename = "blank.tif"
blank.tif is a 10 x 10 x 24-bit tiff image.
I save/compress the movie. I play it, and then do:
member("pic").filename = "imageA.gif"

Looks great in one version of the movie, looks lousy in the other.

I know the gif is 8-bit, but it looks great in the graphics editor and in one of my versions of the dir file.

Does this make sense? There must be some setting in one of the movies that makes it act differently, n'est pas? I have no palettes in the palette channel. The movies' palette is System-Win.


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