Hi guys

I am new here so I hope I'm doing this properly:)

Just a quick note to Lee and his problem with updating his database, I
don't know if this helps at all. I have a similar job to do soon and
I've done some tests in the past, what I've done is to have the 
ASP page to insert/update the data and then a response.write("jobDone")
after the ASP has finished.

When the postNetText is triggered from lingo I alow checking for the
netDone(netID) and when finished then for the netTextResult(netID) to be
the "jobDone" string and eventualy permit the next post operation to
take place. Basicaly you get the HTML content of that ASP page which is
just a string with no formating so it's pretty fast.

It's convenient to keep the whole lot as a behavior but I guess a parent
script would do the same job.

Here's a simple behavior:

property netId
property pMonitor
property nextUpdateOK

on beginSprite
  pMonitor = false
  nextUpdateOK = true

on mouseUp
  if nextUpdateOK = true then
    pId = value(member("pId").text)
    pDate = member("pDate").text
    netID =
    pMonitor = true
    nextUpdateOK = false
    put "Updating database, please wait..." into member "info"
  end if

on exitFrame
  if pMonitor = true then
    if netDone(netID) then
      if netTextResult(netID) = "jobDone" then
        pMonitor = false
        nextUpdateOK = true
      end if
    end if
  end if


And here is the ASP side



    pConectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" &

    pId = request.Form("pId")
    pDate = request.Form("pDate")

    pInsertString = "insert into someTable (pId, pDate) values (" & pId
& ",'" & pDate & "')"

  ' execute the insert
    Set insertJob = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    insertJob.ActiveConnection = pConectionString
    insertJob.CommandText = pInsertString

Hope this helps


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