I think you're also missing a very important thing in that beginSprite handler!!

on beginSprite me
  tempVar = timeOut("test").new(500, #doSomething, me)
end beginSprite

You need to set the returned value of that timeout("").new() to a variable, or you get hemorrhoids and excessive eye-booger production.


At 04:01 PM 2/10/2004, you wrote:
Kerry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2/10/04 10:26 AM wrote:

> I have a behavior on some sprites in frame 1. It creates a timeOut
> object to animate itself.
> TimeOut Objects get startMovie events. If you don't trap them, they get
> passed on up the line to the movie level.
> I put this:
> on startMovie
> nothing
> end
> in my behavior, and life is good again.

Well I'll be darned. Thanks to Bruce's DIAN and LIAN books I too was well
aware that beginsSprite in frame 1 was called before startMovie, however why
on earth would a timeout object triggered by a behavior attached to a sprite
in frame one trigger extra startMovie events?

Yet another reason to avoid using frame one I suppose.

Anyway I tried attaching this behavior to multiple sprites in frame one:

on beginSprite me
  timeOut("test").new(500, #doSomething, me)
end beginSprite

on doSomething me
end doSomething

And added this movie script:

on startMovie
  put "startMovie"
end startMovie

For me I would only ever get two startMovie event calls regardless of how
many sprites I attached the timeout script to. For curiosity sake Kerry, how
are you managing to get 6 startMovie events triggering.

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