
> Nope, I'm speaking of the one titled something like 
> "Introducing Director MX 2004 with a focus on Flash
> Integration".

Well, that's good news and that's bad new. It's good 'cause I don't have to
worry about having a low-wattage bulb in my noggin', but it's bad because I
never like to hear such dismal reports about any of our efforts. I'll make
sure to send an email to the events team that coordinates these
presentations and such and make sure they are aware of the fact that at
least one person, likely more, were quite displeased with the experience. I
won't mention folks by name of course so no worries there.

Sorry that it wasn't a better experience, hopefully you'll find your way to
giving them a try some time again in the future.

Tom Higgins
Product Manager - Director Team

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