Is there any reason why these images must be all imported into Director? It might be easier to deal with these images if you had them all as external images in a single folder. Then you could have one (or more, depending on what your needs are for the catalog) graphic members that link to an external file.

To set this up, you import one image, which could just be a blank image, and select Import Link only (or what ever it is called. Then at run time, you build up a string of what the real file name is, and set the filename of the member.

Hope this helps.


At 9:00 PM -0700 5/26/04, Hermann Brandi wrote:
Hi everybody!

I have a problem importing multiple images in Director. I'm making a catalog
with 2600 images. Yesterday I was importing my first 1038 images processed
with Photoshop. I've used Director MX and Director MX 2004 to make the
importation to an external cast member. When I imported the images, Director
imported 1038 images but of the first image on the list. I followed all the
steps to make the importation and even though the list was apparently
complete it doesn't make the work well.

I thought that might be a problem with the quantity so I started to import
20 images at a time. At first worked well but when I reached approximately
the 150th image Director began to import not 20 images but 15 or less. If I
continue to import the other images it imported the same 15 images of the
last time. What am I doing wrong?

This is the second version of the catalog and on the previous one I used
Director MX to handle 1600 images. I had no problem importing 600 at a time.
I don't know what is happening here.

I hope you can help me.

Best regards,

Hermann Brandi

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Multimedia Wrangler.

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