Movie Generation issues

I found and corrected the setScriptList problem I mentioned in a DirectL post about such, but have two issues still open in this movie-generating-a-movie attempt. I’m posting them to see if anyone has had any confirming experience, or can see what is wrong with the approach.

First, sprite naming during score recording does not stick. In the following Lingo snippet the sprite(n).name statement do not cause an error, but don’t accomplish anything either.

The second issue is with creating a new member for the movie to be generated. If one imports an animated gif during authoring, the member type choice of bitmap or animated gif is given. However, if one uses importFileInto (as below) at run time, the member type of bitmap is assigned despite the newMember designation. The member type can’t, of course, be subsequently changed. So unless I’m missing something, animated gif members can’t be created at run time.

Otherwise, everything else works fine in the following. I could work around not having names for the new sprites, but not the choice of gif animations (save trying a different type of animation).

-- new optional animated GIF cast member

GIFmem = _movie.newMember(#animgif).importFileInto(_movie.path & "Outhouse.gif")

-- Score Recording

_movie.updateLock = TRUE




_movie.frameScript = FBmem

sprite(1).member = member("Outhouse")

sprite(1).ink = 36

sprite(1).name = "GIFanim"

sprite(2).member = member("WarnText")

sprite(2).tweened = FALSE

sprite(2).ink = 36

sprite(2).name = "WarnMsg"



-- erase this original movie script


-- Save New Movie

_movie.saveMovie(_movie.path & "TestMovie.dir")

-- Quit


Thank you,

Lee C

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