> I did it like that but the loading time doesn't improve must.
> in stead of 2 it takes 1:45 minutes to load
 and I still get the handler #locH not found alert!?????
> this isn't a Xtra so I don't get it.
> I will try the option with the Xtras in a folder and not included but
> I still think it is strange.
> How does Director loads its movies?
> Why is it loading almost the entire movie before playing? or
> such it seems.
> if I have a cast with images is there a differece if the cast
> is internal or
> external?
> Can you manipulate the loading on prepareMovie?
> as you see I don't realy understand the memory managment of director .

If your movie is "only" around 50mb, it should only take a few seconds,
unless your machine is veeeery slow, and I'm not running on a superfast one

Are you trying to preload your cast members on prepareMovie? If so, the
preload will take ages - you're much better off letting them load
themselves, and if your really must, then only preload the ones you really
need to have a snappy response time, and even that is probably better done
after the movie has loaded.

I don't know that much about memory management myself, but default, the cast
members will preload when your'e calling them (such as reaching their
location on the score), and only the cast members that are actually on the
first frame will preload when the movie starts.
Have a look at your cast properties and make sure that each has the default
setting of "When Needed".

An external cast won't add anything to a movie's file size on the disk, but
so far I haven't seen any memory advantage, since the images or whatever you
store in them still need to load into RAM. However, if you have groupings of
big cast members that only need to appear at certain sections in the score,
you could try seperating them into different external casts and change the
casts on the fly (by changing the file name of an external cast). You would
be penilized with response time, since it does take time to load the new
If your problem is big soundfiles, you better keep them externally and let
them stream with the sound playFile command.

As far as I can tell, your #locH not found error has nothing to do with
loading from a stub - BUT... if you're trying to set a sprite's locH
property before it has innitialized (such as on prepareMovie), I'm pretty
sure you'd get that error.

I really hope this helps...

Karina Steffens,
Multimedia Designer/Programmer

Martello Media Ltd.
4 Islington Avenue
Co. Dublin

Tel: +353 1 2844668
Fax: +353 1 2803195


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