> I want a special sprite to change blendlevel on a special frame. How do I
> do that?

Best with a behavior attached to the desired sprite. Thus, sending messages
to your sprite to initiate the blend process running in its "on exitFrame
me" event handler to avoid repeat loops.

Your behavior would look somehow like:
(Beware: email lingo/untested)


property pActionSprite, pBlendValue, pBlendInteger
property pProcessBlending, me.pBlendProc

on BlendIn me
    me.pBlendProc = #in
    me.pProcessBlending =TRUE

on BlendOut me
    me.pBlendProc = #out
    me.pProcessBlending =TRUE

on beginSprite me
  -- reset everything and clean up to start...
  sprite(me.pActionSprite).blend = 0
  me.pBlendValue = 0
  me.pBlendInteger = 10
  me.pProcessBlending = FALSE
  me.pBlendProc = #in

-- idle handling...
on exitFrame me
  case (me.pProcessBlending) of
    TRUE: -- we're busy
      case (me.pBlendProc) of
        #in: -- if we blend in...
          -- last cycle?
          case ((me.pBlendValue + me.pBlendInteger = 100) OR (me.pBlendValue
= 100)) of
            TRUE: me.pProcessBlending = FALSE
          end case
          me.pBlendValue = sprite(me.pActionSprite).blend + me.pBlendInteger
          sprite(me.pActionSprite).blend = me.pBlendValue
        #out: -- if we blend out...
          -- last cycle?
          case ((me.pBlendValue - me.pBlendInteger = 0) OR (me.pBlendValue =
0)) of
            TRUE: me.pProcessBlending = FALSE
          end case
          me.pBlendValue = sprite(me.pActionSprite).blend - me.pBlendInteger
          sprite(me.pActionSprite).blend = me.pBlendValue
      end case
  end case 

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  if not the currentSpriteNum then
    -- behavior has been attached to script channel
  end if
  vPDList = [:]
  setaProp vPDList, #pActionSprite, [#comment: "Action Sprite:", #format:
#integer, #default: (the currentSpriteNum)]
  return vPDList
end getPropertyDescriptionList


Then, you can simply send messages to your behavior, like:

sendSprite(1,#BlendIn) -- to blend in


sendSprite(1,#BlendOut) -- to blend out

       All the best


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