Nobody responded to this, so maybe nobody is having this problem.  For what
it's worth, I found the workaround this morning.

I changed the zoomWindow event to:
on zoomWindow
  global gTestMIAW

  --this is what I added
  gTestMIAW.rect = gTestMIAW.rect

  sprite(1).width = gTestMIAW.rect.width
  sprite(1).height = gTestMIAW.rect.height

For some reason, the MIAW forgets it's been resized. By reminding it of it's
size after it's been zoomed works to redraw/refresh the window.  Hope this
helps someone.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Rodger Cook
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 7:29 AM
Subject: <lingo-l> X-Post: MIAW not refreshing

I just ran across this today as I was doing some Director work on Mac.  When
using a MIAW with the windowType of 12, the window does not redraw/refresh
correctly when the zoom box is clicked on the MIAW (during authoring or
projector).  The MIAW toggles to the correct size, but does not redraw it's
contents.  The following example works fine on Windows.

The Setup:
A Lime-Green iMac
OS 9
160 megs of RAM onboard

So, in my starter movie, I run this handler:

on launchTest
  global gTestMIAW
  gTestMIAW = window "test"
  gTestMIAW.fileName = "test"
  gTestMIAW.windowType = 12
  gTestMIAW.modal = FALSE
  open gTestMIAW
  gTestMIAW.visible = TRUE

My test movie is a one-frame bare-bones movie.  It's got a single sprite set
to cover the entire window.

on beginSprite me
  global gTestMIAW
  sprite(me.spriteNum).width = gTestMIAW.rect.width
  sprite(me.spriteNum).height = gTestMIAW.rect.height

And the movie script to handle to zomm box clickage.

on zoomWindow
  global gTestMIAW
  sprite(1).width = gTestMIAW.rect.width
  sprite(1).height = gTestMIAW.rect.height

Now, once the zoom box is clicked, the sprite should resize itself to cover
the window.  It does (tell gTestMIAW to put sprite(1).rect) but doesn't
show.  Anybody seen this, found a way to work around it?  Any insights would
be much appreciated.  I've pretty much run out of things to try.


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