At 9:32 AM +0200 9/4/00, Andreas Gaunitz wrote:

>(Beware though, if you are working with very big lists, that it takes
>longer time to add items to a sorted list.)


Macromedia changed the way they handle lists internally between Director 7
and Director 8.  I believe that it is risky to make performance assumptions
based on previous experiences with lists.  Specifically, I have noticed
that smallish unsorted lists are now searched *faster* than sorted lists -
a distinct change from Director 7.

In my previous experiences with Director prior to v7, I found that items
were added to a sorted property list significantly *faster* than an
unsorted list.

I'm still researching what size or content unsorted list structures are
consistently faster than sorted lists by building empirical tests.




...---===|    Terry R. Schussler    |===---...
...---===|  DIA Chief Investigator  |===---...

on visitWebsite yourSelection
 coolSites = [ \
   #greatSeminars : "", \
   #directorIntelligenceAgency: "", \
   #freeBehaviors : ""]
 gotoNetPage coolSites.yourSelection
end visitWebsite

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