>i've been developing exclusively in the windows
>environment.  what adjustments that need to be done to
>make it run on the Mac as well?

Big question, that. Here are a few things:

- Make sure the Xtras you are using are available and installed on the Mac
- Adapt path names to use the Mac or Windows path separator. You can use 
the @ operator instead of the moviePath.
- Use QuickTime, not AVI (avi might work on the Mac--I've never tried. But 
QuickTime is native, and works equally well on both platforms)
- Be ready to set memory requirements in the finder (get info) so your 
projectors will run on lower-end machines
- Of course, buy a copy of Director for the Mac

I'm sure there are some other gotchas. Buddy API has some functions on 
Windows that aren't available on Mac. I'm sure some other people on the 
list can recall other things I've left out--I've been developing 
cross-platform for so long I don't remember all the things I do.

All in all, though, Director is surprisingly easy to get working 
cross-platform. Probably the easiest full-featured development platform on 
the market for cross-platform, imho.

When you run into specific problems, let us know. A lot of us have already 
dealt with them.

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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